
Wzgórze Petrin

Only a stone throw away from the Prague Castle is Petřín Hill; perfect for a summer walk away from the bustle of tourists. Part of the land is set aside for an apple and a pear orchard from which the fruit can be freely picked from the trees. Much of the stone sed in building the major sights in Prague was quarried out of Petrin, however today this is not noticeable beneath the trees and gardens. The observation tower and a manicured garden dominate the summit, and halfway down is the famous restaurant Nebozizek – where you can enjoy a meal with a perfect view of Prague. Don’t forget the hall of mirrors for a new and varied perspective of yourself – The Petrin Hill Maze. Originally a pavilion of the Czech Tourist Club at the 1891 Universal Exhibition was transferred later to the Petrin Hill and turned into a mirror maze. It is a favourite spot for the children.

Wzgórze Petrin

The hill is 318 meters or 1043 feet high. For those less energetic, a funicular will save you trouble of a climbing (price of a normal tram ticket). Petrin Hill is also easily accessible from Hradcany and Strahov.

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