
Natural Retreats

Despite the rich history, famous culture and bustling cityscape of Prague, the city is not short of any natural wonders or retreats. Once the allure of the historical and the attraction of the modern has worn off, you can always go to relax in the natural attractions. It is a nice way to unwind and reset while surrounded by tremendous beauty: rivers, caves, mountains, and vast areas of exploratory land form the romantic natural landscape of Prague. The city’s natural attractions have been a major source of tourist attraction for as long as can be remembered; with its quiet beauty and endless attractions, the city allows tourists to enjoy themselves and unwind. If enjoying the natural beauty quietly is not your cup of tea, there are plenty of activities to do on these natural retreats. You can go skiing, hiking, snowshoeing, or even go on a rambling leisure sojourn in Šumava*. There is much to appreciate exploring the mystical caves situated in the areas adjacent to Prague or the eastern territories around Ostrava, or you could go soak up some sunlight in the rock outcrops in Czech Paradise. There is no shortage of natural wonders in and around Prague. From the Modřany Gorge to the Klánovice Woodland (Klánovický les), explore some of the vast and unkempt lands of the area. Perfect for long walks with friends, you can explore forgotten and hidden trails. The surrounding areas comprise quiet forests and charming ravines.  There is much to do in Prague, but nothing is more fascinating than exploring its natural wonders. For adventure-seekers and nature-lovers, this city has so much to offer.

Modřany gorge and surroundings

Prague 4 – Modřany, Komořany

A beautiful and extensive natural area to the south of Prague, especially inviting for ramblers. You can visit the Cholupický Hill, the historical hilltop settlement site Šance or take a walk along the Celtic nature trail. The surrounding woods and ravines, cascading down to Komořany, are well worth exploring.

Kunratice Woodland (Kunratický les)

Prague 4 – Krč, Chodov, Kunratice, Michle

Kunratice Woodland, also named after Krč or Michle (Krčský / Michelský les), offers a rich network of trails and footpaths in a beautiful natural environment. Its main attractions include the listed Kunratice brook valley or freely accessible ruin of King Wenceslas IV’s Gothic ‘New Castle’. As a bonus, with a bit of luck, your walk might cross paths with some mouflon ancestral sheep – the local herd being allegedly 30 to 50 strong.

Prokopské Valley (Prokopské údolí)

Prague 5 – Hlubočepy, Jinonice, Butovice, Stodůlky

This natural reserve, the northernmost point of the Bohemian Karst, is just perfect for a number of outdoor activity enthusiasts  – including runners, climbers, cross-country skiers, cyclists, horse riders and ramblers. When rambling around the reserve, you can come across old quarries, a wonderful rock pool and a cave.

Chuchelský Grove (Chuchelský háj)

Prague 5 – Velká and Malá Chuchle

Chuchelský Grove is of particular interest to runners, thanks to its calm ambience devoid of crowds and the considerable changes in elevation to be found here. A pleasant diversion is a mini zoo, where you can see some mouflon, fallow deer, a white fox, a talking raven and other animals. You should not miss a look at the pilgrimage church of St John of Nepomuk and the so-called health complex, where you can work out on several kinds of outdoor exercise devices.

Divoká Šárka

Prague 6 – Vokovice

A romantic natural setting on the outskirts of Prague. Given the scale of this natural reserve and its beautiful surroundings, Divoká Šárka is great for anything from shorter walks to all-day trips. As well as the charming views of the surrounding countryside, you will find marked hiking trails here, high cliffs, historical homesteads, old cave and mine entrances and other interesting sights.

Nature park Drahaň – Troja

Prague 7 – Troja, Prague 8 – Bohnice

The nature park is situated on the right bank of the Vltava River and includes part of the Troja basin with its steep cliffs and bordering valleys. The park encompasses the Troja vineyards and Prague Zoo. The area offers various beautiful vistas of the Vltava River basin and the heart of Prague and is traversed by several hiking routes. Definitely worth a mention is the Black Ravine (Černá rokle) leading from the Bohnice suburb to the Vltava River and the heather moor at Salabka and Havránka, especially when flowering. Athletes will appreciate the cycle path running through Troja and the excellent white-water slalom course.

Klánovice Woodland (Klánovický les)

Prague 9 – Klánovice

The largest forested area in the territory of Prague covers 5,493 acres (2,223 hectares) which makes it a fantastic place for tours, jogging and other outdoor activities. As for the terrain, a dense network of asphalt and gravel paths crisscrosses a largely level landscape. To be found here, among other things, are route markings for ramblers, as well two signposted cycling routes (5 and 10 km). You might also consider taking the 12.5 km long nature trail to guide you through the greater part of Klánovice Woodland.

Hostivař woodland park and the Botič stream plain

Prague 10 – Záběhlice, Hostivař, Horní Měcholupy

This belongs among the most important recreational areas in Prague for the enjoyment of nature lovers and athletes of all kinds. The woodland park is the Hostivař reservoir with sand and grassy beaches, fed by Botič stream. The woodland park has many gazebos, benches, cycle paths and nature trails along the Botič catchment zone, just waiting for you to discover. Equestrian sports lovers will delight in the sign-posted bridle path.

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