
Beer Spas

One of the most famous aspects of the Czech Republic is beer, which is held in extremely high esteem by its inhabitants. Czechs don’t just drink their beer, though, as they have also started to use them in beer spas, meaning that the beer can tantalize the taste buds and reinvigorate the body at the same time!

Hop cultivation has occurred in the Czech Republic for many centuries, and the Czechs firmly believe that their beer is undoubtedly the best in the world – which could be why they have the highest beer consumption in the world. Of course, tourists contribute to this statistic heavily, though. Now tourists and Czechs alike are enjoying beer used in spas, though, thanks to the wonders of modern science determining that beer can boost stamina, help the vascular system, relax the muscles and help all bodily functions work in unison with each other.

Karlovy Vary Beer Spa

Perhaps the best known Czech spa is in Karlovy Vary, There you can experience a treatment of this type at the First Beer Spa. You can immerse yourself in a tub of Royal Oak, but at the same time drink as much as you want – although not from the actual tub you are bathing in! By drinking beer, it is thought that it will help your body hydrated. So, you can taste some of the best beer in the world while relieving the tension in your body at the same time.

Beer Spa Chodovar

It’s advised that you enjoy a glass or two of beer while you sit in the bubbly brew.

The Beer Spa Experience

The beer spa works by using three important ingredients: the beer itself, hot mineral water and the brewing ingredients. Special messages can also enhance the experience, and these are offered at the Chodová Planá Beer Spa and the Novosad Harrachov Beer Spa in the Krkonoše. The latter also offers a double bath, so both you and your partner can enjoy the experience simultaneously.

If you are in the Beskids mountains, you’ll find a beer spa called BBB Bahenec Beer Spa, while those in Černá Hora can visit the Sladovna Beer Spa. If you plan to visit Prague, you should visit the BBBeer Spa Prague (website only in Czech), found in the Old Town, Masna 5 and is regarded as the best in the city. Another one worth trying is Bernad Beer Spa.

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