
Yoga is a spiritual practice that started in India about 5000 years ago. Even for those who do not believe in the spiritual aspect of yoga, it is absolutely amazing for physical fitness. It is an exceptionally amazing stress reliever; the meditation aspect of yoga really shuts down your mind for some time so that you can experience sheer peace. It might seem like a tedious job to get up every morning and do yoga, but it is beneficial in countless ways.
Apart from being a stress reliever, it is also a great physical exercise; it is a solution to get rid of arthritis and pains in several parts of the body. Many people report having started yoga to get rid of muscular pains and ended up liking and enjoying it so much that even after the pain disappeared, they could not let go of their daily routine of performing yoga.
Some of the medicinal benefits of yoga include improved circulation of blood throughout the body, improved stamina, and better muscle strength, among so much more. It also helps to improve a person’s creativity and allows them to develop greater self-esteem. There are many centres in Prague that offer people the chance to learn and practice yoga. They are listed down below so that you can choose the one that suits you best. Many of these yoga places teach other forms of physical exercise too.
Bikram Yoga Prague
Karolíny Světlé 8, Prague 1 – Staré Město
Bikram Yoga is a modern dynamic form of exercise, which has marked detoxifying effects on the human organism. The program involves 26 hatha yoga postures and two breathing exercises, all taking place in a room heated to 42°C.
Vinohrady Yoga house (Dům jógy Vinohrady)
Jana Masaryka 6, Prague 2 – Vinohrady;
A pleasant space for yoga and meditation in two halls. The lower one is designed for practising hot yoga, the upper for classic yoga classes and other relaxation activities.
Blanická Yoga centre (Jógacentrum Blanická)
Blanická 17, Prague 2 – Vinohrady;
There are three practice rooms with a total capacity of approx. 60 gymnasts. The centre includes a large store, selling goods from India, spiritual literature and yoga exercise sundries.
Velehradská Yoga centre (Jógacentrum Velehradská)
Velehradská 21, Prague 3 – Vinohrady;
This cosy and most agreeably located yoga centre in Prague’s Vinohrady is only 5 minutes’ walk from the Metro A stop – Jiřího z Poděbrad.
Donovalská Yoga centre (Jógacentrum Donovalská)
Donovalská 40, Prague 4 – Chodov;
The exercising space here consists of one room large enough for 25 gymnasts. You can also buy exercise-related books and sundries here.
Anděl Yoga house (Dům Jógy Anděl)
Ostrovského 16, Prague 5 – Smíchov;
A yoga studio with qualified instructors, providing lessons and courses for rejuvenating the body, relaxing the mind and bringing harmony to the soul.
Stodůlky Yoga centre (Jógacentrum Stodůlky)
Kuncova 3a, Prague 5 – Stodůlky;
One of the venues of the ‘Yoga in daily life’ group, with a capacity of 45 people, running up to three parallel courses in separate rooms.
Holešovice Yoga centre (Yogacentrum Holešovice)
Na Maninách 29, Prague 7 – Holešovice;
Exercise under the supervision of qualified yoga teachers in e.g. hot yoga, hatha yoga, yoga for seniors or yoga in pregnancy.
Participation is open to children, mothers on maternity leave, senior citizens, weary managers, and athletes.
Yoga in the Park (Yoga v parku)
Letenské sady, Prague 7 – Holešovice;
Open and irregular summer courses in Letná Park are intended for beginners, the more advanced and those who have never done yoga exercises but who like getting moving in the fresh air. For a look at the currently scheduled lessons, see the ‘YogaVParku’ FB page.